De Windows a GNU/Linux
This is what everyday users usually find better, mostly the same, or not as good, when switching from Windows to GNU/Linux.
What is better in GNU/Linux
Ye llibre
Unlike Windows, GNU/Linux is free software – free as in freedom. Install it on all computers and make copies for your friends! You can even study it, transform it as you please, or build and sell your own distribution.
There are a wealth of free applications available at no cost under GNU/Linux. To edit professional documents, burn music CDs, rework photos, design a website, or organise music; there's no need for $200 software with restrictive licenses.
L'instalador incorporáu fai que seya increíblemente fácil alcontrar, instalar y desinstalar programes
Arriendes ye seguro: Pues escaecete del software con versiones de preba, o el peligrosu freeware que contamina la web.
Ensin molesties
Pa caltener el ordenador en forma col pasu del tiempu nun tien que ser necesario una llucha constante. Un añu dempués de la so instalación, GNU/Linux furrula tan rápido como'l primer día. Ya inclusu pue da-y vida al to vieyu ordenador.
Also, GNU/Linux lets you choose what you want and what you don't. If you had a hard time getting rid of Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, or adware and web browser toolbars, you'll find it refreshing.
Forget expensive and restrictive anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-anything and anti-everything. GNU/Linux is very, very secure.
It is often difficult for Windows users to believe that there are no spyware nor viruses under GNU/Linux – but it's true. Malicious programs have a hard time doing anything at all in a well-built system.
Los anovamientos regulares y cenciellos de GNU/Linux caltienen el sistema dafechamente a salvu.
Read more in our GNU/Linux FAQ:
GNU/Linux benefits from a great sense of community whose friendliness will surprise you. If you try to do something complicated but can't succeed, there are a lot of people around to help you out. Our "Más" page gives a few pointers.
The companies behind the main GNU/Linux distributions, such as Canonical and Red Hat, also provide expert commercial support.
What is mostly the same in GNU/Linux
Fundamentally, everyday users will find GNU/Linux similar in use to Windows or macOS.
Configuración xeneral
If you still believe GNU/Linux is controlled with code and command-line, you should update your views!
Just like Windows, GNU/Linux has to boot when you switch your computer on, and then you use programs in it to do different things. The taskbar and layout of applications will feel familiar to Windows or macOS users.
Navegación web y xeres comunes
The Web looks just the same when viewed with GNU/Linux (in fact you can browse the Web with the same program if you already use Firefox or Google Chrome). And of course, you can go through your picture and music collection all the same. Files and folders are navigated with a file manager like Windows Explorer.
What is not as good in GNU/Linux
Sofitu de drivers
Manufacturers of computer hardware don't always (yet) release drivers for GNU/Linux or publicize full specifications.
So, drivers are sometimes unavailable for the most recent high-end graphics cards – some are reverse-engineered from Windows drivers by volunteers. Some are also released free of charge, but under restrictive licenses.
Llamentablemente, lo mesmo asocede con munches tarxetes WiFi.
However, the vast majority of computers with standard hardware work out of the box with main GNU/Linux distributions. Common hardware such as USB keys or photo cameras never are a problem.
DVDs, formatos restrictivos
Many multimedia formats in use are proprietary and not openly specified; this means, broadly speaking, that GNU/Linux programmers have to find out how to read them without any help from the format designers.
This might lead you to circumvent the restrictions in some DVDs and the DRM in some music files, even if you purchased them in full legality, to be make them work under GNU/Linux. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, such circumvention processes may be illegal even if you purchased your media entirely legally.
Read more in our GNU/Linux FAQ:
Hard-core computer gamers, you might find that the GNU/Linux gaming world is less professional and out-of-the-box than under Windows: the large game developing companies are only slowly getting interested in the free software world, which means that many well-known titles do not work on GNU/Linux, or need special restrictive emulators to work.
There is a very active free software game development community though, and they have produced quite a few high-quality games, both 2D and 3D, that are free software. You can head to GNU/Linux Gaming on Reddit to find more information.
There is also a good selection of online game distribution platforms that sell many high-quality games for GNU/Linux:
Read more in our GNU/Linux FAQ:
En dalgunos ordenadores, ivernar nun ye de tou fiable, una vegada más, por problemes de controladores. El problema más avezáu ye la perda de la conexón WiFi dempués d'ivernar en ordenadores portátiles cuyos controladores nun son llibres.
Whether you are going to enjoy GNU/Linux depends mostly on what you expect from it.
- If you wish GNU/Linux to be just exactly like Windows, you will probably be disappointed. GNU/Linux is built by people who simply wish it to be different. In the free software community, members have different visions of what makes an ideal operating system. These differences lead to variety, which is what makes GNU/Linux so special and interesting.
- La to llibertá importa. Milenta de persones en comunidaes y compañíes trabayen pa facer software sobro'l que tu puedas exercer la to llibertá. Usandob GNU/Linux ye la forma más cenciella de facelo.
- ¡Ye divertío! El nun tener qu'esmolecese de spyware, virus, activación de programes, programes qu'espiren, o alcontrar software que ye realmente llibre, fai que de la nada usar un ordenador seya una esperiencia agradable.
Esperamos que faigas aína la migración. Hai una gran comunidá esperándo-y y naide va a dicite "mércalu y rexístrate".